When you hire Duvernay Properties to lease your property, we will:
- Obtain photographs of your property
- Obtain a completed written application from interested possible tenants
- Obtain all lease signatures and facilitate the move-in of your new tenant
- Advertise your property on a wide range of internet sites as well as our own website
- Check employment references, obtain income verification, and contact prior landlords of tenant candidates
- Discuss with you any cosmetic changes that will enable your property to be competitive in the local rental market
- Field all inquiries from interested prospective tenants and meet with appropriate candidates to view the property
- Do a complete background check on potential tenants, provide the results to you for your review and decision making, and offer input if requested by you.
- Meet with you to tour your property and discuss what, if any, steps need to be taken to ensure compliance with federal, state, and local regulations for rental property.